Thank you for making Live on Kerr an amazing night! Below you will see a brief recap of the night including the inspiring videos that were shown.
Our Greatest Funding Needs

Meeting the growing and deepening needs of our families and the community.
Based on the current growth rates we expect that more than 300 families will participate in Choose Fresh by July. In order to meet the growing demand and provide for the additional families we need to increase our Choose Fresh budget. The yearly funding required to supply 80 additional families: $65,000
To be able to improve the program for families we have decided that we want to add two additional protein servings each month. The yearly funding required to provide the additional protein serving: $55,000

Continue to offer professional services and practical support for families in crisis because of their debt.
To be able to provide clients the support of the CAP accredited debt counsellors we need to maintain our partnership with CAP. Our current agreement with CAP provides support for up to 4 clients per month. The yearly funding required to maintain our collaboration with CAP: $12,000
To continue the operation of the CAP Debt Centre at KSM we need to maintain the full-time status of our Debt Coach/Manager and continue to provide the additional organizational support required. KSM’s Operating Cost for the Debt Centre (including staffing, office space, expenses and organizational support): $95,000

Provide summer camp and leadership development experience for children and youth in our community.
Canada Summer Job Funding has been a critical source of funding for staffing. In 2023 there were more applicants to the fund than in previous years and as a result the funding awarded to KSM went from $110,000 to $53,500. The funding required to cover the remaining staffing cost(which includes: yearly planning, preparation and the summer staff team): $122,500
The additional cost to run the summer programs (which includes: materials, field trips, transportation, clothing, partner fees, etc.) will also be funded by our Send a Kid to Camp campaign. The funding required to cover all other camp costs: $74,000
Thank you to our sponsors