Neighbour Care Network

One-on-One Support and Encouragement

The Neighbour Care Network is a shared initiative of local church compassion ministries, organized, facilitated and supported by Kerr Street Mission.

The goal of the initiative is to build the capacity of the community to care for their neighbours in need. As well as building a network of trained care support volunteers we are engaging the network of care giving agencies and establishing a network of potential benevolent partners.

The Neighbour Care Network provides ongoing support and mentorship to Care Support Volunteers so they can come alongside individuals and families in difficulty and distress. The Care Support volunteers work with clients to identify and access available resources so they can get to a more stable and sustainable situation and improve their health and well-being.

The Neighbour Care Network operates on the basis of giving a ‘Hand Up’, not a ‘hand out’, by assisting Care Support Volunteers to uncover and address the root causes of the situation, and work with clients to create a viable plan which provides direction, accountability, relief and hope.

Chrystal came to KSM during the pandemic looking for support. When she walked through our doors – she wasn’t sure what she needed. After an open and honest discussion, it was deemed that some changes to her living conditions were an important step for her to make to improve her situation. She had some family support in London Ontario – so the NCN team made it possible for a visit to her mother in London. After her visit, she was empowered to take charge and make some life changes. With the help of the NCN church community, Halton Housing and NCN – they were able to secure a new apartment in London, close to family in short order.

We are happy to report that thanks to a great team of volunteers from the Meeting House, and NCN staff, they were able to move and help Chrystal settle into her new life.

I would like to take this time to thank you for all the help, guidance and generosity you have given me. You made me feel like I was a person worth helping. When I was in doubt, you provided hope and options and encouragement. God works in marvellous ways and he had a plan for me.

– Chrystal

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